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What Are the Grounds for Eviction in Colorado?

What Are the Grounds for Eviction in Colorado?

Colorado evictions were still at 40% since 2020. This is a fairly high number.

Colorado eviction laws are both quick and easy. There's not much ground allowed for misbehavior. This means that you have to be a model tenant.

Do you live in Colorado and want to know the grounds for eviction? We're here to tell you.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is the Eviction Process in Colorado?

If you're to be evicted, your landlord will give you a Demand for Compliance or Right to Possession. This is better known as the three-days notice for eviction. It doesn't matter what negligence was caused, this is the same procedure given to all evictions, in the form of a letter.

If you do, however, fail to pay your lease, your landlord can evict you earlier. In fact, they don't even have to notify you in advance and can bypass the three-day notice period if it's right to do so.

What Are the Eviction Laws in Colorado?

There must be a good reason to evict you. A landlord in Colorado can't evict you for no reason at all.

The three major reasons for eviction in Colorado are the following:

  • Failure to pay rent
  • Carrying out a substantial violation
  • Staying longer than your lease is due

A substantial violation is when you have put health, safety, or welfare at risk to yourself or others. Obscene levels of noise are another demeanor that can lead to tenant eviction, as well as not maintaining your property correctly.

Can Landlords Evict Tenants Right Away in the State?

Reports last year show that landlords have been able to evict tenants right away. In the past tenants can override the procedure in special circumstances. This is, however, no longer the case.

Court files show that there have been tries at eviction over the recent years. From April 2020 until May 2021, there were 17,000 eviction cases in total. This is quite a fair amount.

It's important to note though that files by themselves don't account for the actual number of evictions. On occasions, there are informal evictions where tenants have left their property early to avoid court hearings. This shows that they expected an outcome that wouldn't be in their favor.

What’s the Timeline for Eviction in the State?

Unless contended, evictions happen very fast. Colorado lawyers make the approximate time for eviction to be 26 days. But if you do contend your conviction, it can add on time since a court trial will need to take place.

Although it's usually fast and efficient, it can be a lengthy process in rare cases.

Get in Touch With Us if You Feel Your Tenant Has Grounds for Eviction

As a landlord, you need to ensure you've got the right tenant for your property. Otherwise, you might have grounds for eviction.

For help with finding out if your tenant should be evicted, contact us right away! We're here for all your property management needs and if you need to know if an eviction is a right move for you.
