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Denver Property Management Blog


What Are the Best Types of Denver, CO Properties to Invest In?

What Are the Best Types of Denver, CO Properties to Invest In?

A recent report ranked Denver as the nation's hottest real estate market for the second year in a row.

If you're a property investor, you'd be remiss not to consider purchasing an investment property in Denver. With so many different investment options available, it can be tricky to choose the right one for your portfolio.

In today's post, we'll look at the best types of Denver properties to invest in and tell you how property managers can help guide you to the right decision. Keep reading and get ready to build wealth in the Mile High City.

Residential Rental Properties

The most popular type of property to invest in is a residential rental property. Within this category, you can choose to invest in a single-family home or an entire residential building. Each one provides different levels of complexity for the property owner.

A single-family home is a unit you can either rent out to a single tenant or convert into multiple units. You'll need to put the work into appealing to tenants with rental property marketing and screening them with background checks and reference calls. A property manager can help with both of these important tenant-finding tasks.

HOA Properties

When you invest in a homeowners association, you're still getting a residential property, whether it be a single-family home or a condo. Where it differs is that you'll need to pay monthly HOA dues after you purchase the home.

In return, you get things like property maintenance and community amenities that make the neighborhood more attractive to renters. HOA properties enjoy higher property values - up to 4% higher than non-HOA homes.

To make sure you're making the right move, look at the HOA's governing documents to ensure you're able to rent the property out.

Commercial Rental Properties

Owning a commercial rental property is a far cry from residential property ownership. It's similar in that you need to seek out a reliable tenant to guarantee a stable monthly income.

It's a lot more complex when it comes to property maintenance. You'll also need to adhere to much stricter regulations around land use, environmental impacts, and municipal planning.

All that being said, you can enjoy a higher return on investment with a commercial property. If you already own residential properties, a commercial property allows you to diversify your portfolio. When there are dips in the residential market, your commercial investment may remain stable, and vice versa.


Real estate investment trusts allow newer investors to get in on real estate. Instead of purchasing an entire property, you purchase shares in a property with other investors.

It's a great opportunity to earn passive income with far less risk than the other types of property investments. REIT shares also offer far more liquidity than other real estate investments. You can buy and sell your shares easily through your brokerage account.

Hire the Best Property Managers to Help

No matter what type of property investment you decide to make, property managers can help you maximize your ROI. Since 1982 Laureate Ltd. has helped Denver's property investors choose the perfect property for their needs.

Once you've invested, we can also help you manage it. Whether it's commercial rental marketing or residential tenant selection, contact us to learn how we can make your life as an investor easier.
